Today, I accompanied the very last Easter worship service, also the last worship service as an employed church musician. I will still accompany worship service in the future, but not bound to a congregation. I know that life would not be easier, I might be very naïve, still I hope for considerable degree of autonomy at work.
The sun was shining brightly, I have a walk in a park, breathing the air of freedom. Afternoon I prepared for my organ class, finally, it is my top priority. Now I can practice without feeling guilty that I spent too much time on my private practice than for my job. Evening I visited the sick neighbour and after that I read. It is already 1am now, I still feel like reading and writing.
My lent calendar is saying good bye to me with a blessing:
Go in the strength that is given to you!
Simply walk!
Walk uprightly; walk cheerfully!
And look out for love.
May the Spirit of God guide you!