A day to remember

Finally, I’ve found my Spinet! I am very tired, this post is a quick update to remember this historical day in my life. The idea of have a real instrument occurred at the end of January, I went for an instrument hunting journey at the end of February and today my Spinet come to its new home with me. How many time I am at the edge of giving up, but still I went for this far, to acquire a real instrument from the humble playing organ saving. I could only agree with Psalms 127:

Unless the Lord builds the house,
the builders labor in vain.

Psalms 127: 1

PS: My apartment suddenly look like a museum (Berlin Musical Instrument Museum).

There is a lot going on in my garden. The black bird who gives concert at 5 am, wonderful concert. The Primroses are blooming! Primrose means: Spring, I can’t live without you, protection, safety, love. In German, Primrose is “Primeln” , which the “schlüsselblume” key flower belong to the category. If you received “schlüsselblume” , you received “a key to open the heart”. Among the Primrose is a female blackbird jumping around.

often it’s blackbirds that begin first at dawn when the other birds are still silent …

The Blackbird Hour


Why Blackbird is related to my Spinet? Read this: