I guess you would think that, the Christmas time is over now. In most of the houses in Germany, the beautiful decorated Christmas tree been taken out on 6th of January. In Asian countries, the Chinese lunar new year decoration already replaced the Christmas decoration.
However, according to the old church tradition, Christmas time end on 2nd of February – Candlemas Day. Candlemas Day is a day to commemorates the presentation of Jesus Christ at the temple as written in Luke 2:22-40. Where the famous “Nunc dimittis”, also known as the Song of Simeon appears. The old Simeon said: “I’ve seen Jesus, I can go (rest/ die) in peace now.” By the way, J.S. Bach composed a piece of heavenly music based on this story – BWV82 Ich Habe Genug.
Therefore, now is still a legitimate time to talk about Christmas and Christmas tree. Why now? Because the idea of Christmas Tree makes me look forward to the coming Christmas. And I finally have something to look forward to in this year. (Last post, I talked about I do not know what to expect in this year.)
This Christmas, I received many Christmas tree decorations as gifts. Also, by visiting a friend, look at her Christmas tree, I suddenly have an idea of what could my tree looks like. A tree with glass balls.
Last year, I saw a stall in Christmas market in Cologne were selling glass balls, I bought one for a friend. She put the glass ball at a place that eyes can easily spot on it among other glass balls on her Christmas tree. I looked at them and I felt deeply comforted and connected.
I think of my Christmas tree decoration gifts and the glass balls. Yes, I need a tree for them, it would be really nice. This is how the idea of Christmas Tree occurred. This Christmas, I have no tree in my tiny apartment, but I decorated Christmas with music. When I’m blessed with music, I would share music on Christmas. When I’m blessed with a home, I would prepare my home for Christmas, where people could feel comfort and connect, like the way it does to me at my friend’s place.
OK, let us come back to the main theme: The Origin of the Christmas Tree
On the Christmas Eve in Middle Ages, the most popular story to tell was not the born of Jesus Christ, but the story of Adam and Eve in paradise. Until today, 24th December also named as “Adam and Eve” day in Catholic church. In Middle Ages, for the storytelling purpose, they needed a tree as “tree of life”, but in Winter, only conifers were green. Those decoration balls were originally apples, representing fruits of knowledge of good and evil. Traditionally, the couple Adam and Eve belonged to the Christmas tree decoration too.
Adam and Eve Candle and glass balls
The paradise story and human fall was told on Christmas eve, to remind Christian why human need a saviour. Good news is the saviour has come, this is the core message on Christmas day. Christian believes Jesus has restored the relationship of human with God. More explanation, please view the video of Bible Project – Tree of life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJLan-pJzfQ
When we are already at the topic paradise, let me share with you a painting of Lucas Cranach (1472 – 1553). I like the storytelling in the picture: the creation, how God created Adam, how He created Eve when Adam was sleeping, how Adam and Eve deceived by the snake, how they hid themselves from God, how they expelled from the garden.

Before saying good night to you, let me tell you a typical Christmas Cracker joke:
Q: What did Adam say on the day before Christmas?
A: It’s Christmas, Eve!