Taking Off

I feel like I am an airplane that want to take off into 2022, but still moving on the runway.

The first week of 2022 I was on leave, a short trip here and there and visiting friends. Also, I slept and read excessively (heaven).

The second week of 2022 I was back to work. My concentration was only enough for the work that necessarily to be done. I was always at low battery mode.

The third week of 2022 I learned to cook or bake one thing every day, by doing so I rediscovered the joy of living. My proudest achievement so far: Chinese steamed bun, Hokkaido salmon soup, Hainanese chicken rice with soup, Indonesian steam rice (Nasi Tim).

I decided to spend 15 minutes a day learning Spanish. “Que tal?” (What’s up?) is a quite useful sentence, but “Yo tengo un perro” (I have a dog) is only for learning purpose.

Knitting yarns are having sales now and I found one that made me tingling with excitement. The shop owner was very sceptical about my knitting project, anyway, I bought the yarns. I will be very happy, if my knitting project will be done before Christmas. Count down 11 months.

Other than that, above all suggestions of friends about what new thing I can do in this year, I found this one is the most amusing one:
“What about dancing?” A friend asked me.
“No, it’s too frightening. I admire people who can dance though.” I answered.
“What exactly make you think dancing is scary?” the friend is not giving up.
“The idea that I am dancing and the tight dancewear.” I know I am hopeless.
Well, there are still 11 months in 2022, let’s see if I will pick up a dance lesson in this year.

In short, it takes me three weeks to restored, recharged, gained strength and to be happy again. After 3 weeks moving on the runway, gradually, I can feel the last wheels of the Aircraft Boeing 2022 are leaving the ground.

PS, next week is my first organ lesson in this year 2022 😀