Summer Semester, Knitting, Clavichord and Reels

Only by reading the title of this post, you can diagnose how chaotic am I. For what is the relationship between knitting and Clavichord? That is why I need to write to clear my mind.

Summer Semester.

The organ class was satisfying and my programme for Summer Semester is:

  • Felix Mendelssohn – The Lord’s Prayer Organ Sonata.
  • J.S. Bach – Prelude and Fugue in D Major. I already started learning this piece, however, it was interrupted because the Christmas Concert Programme for the cancelled concert in Bristol (UK) was my priority. I can not play this piece in Bristol because the organ bench there is too high for me and it is not adjustable, and this piece is very sporty with pedal.
  • J.S. Bach – Chorale Prelude “Komm, Heiliger Geist” , BWV651 and BWV 667 both from Leipzig Choral Book.
  • Cesar Franck – Organ Choral No. 2 in b minor. When I am still staying in Germany in Summer, I intend to attend a French organ master class and learn this piece. The precondition is of course when the piece is ready, which I am very sceptical about.

The programme is huge and kind of mission impossible to me, to bring all 4 pieces ready for stage in a semester. Anyway, that is not the point, the point is I have a direction about what to practice. It is like knitting, I have to know what am I knitting, the end product. Once I know if I am knitting a scarf or pullover or sock (which organ piece), then I can decide which pattern to knit (the musical decision and fingering), then just keep knitting everyday. Well, kind of, musical decision and fingering could change during the process.

If I have 10 yarns to knit, then I can estimate one week for a yarn, so in about 10 weeks it will be finished. However, the pace could be adjusted if at somewhere I need more time. Don’t force the progression like to conquer something, but to enjoy the process every day, with a clear direction.

So never mind the too ambitious programme, just day by day, step by step, keep going. When the summer semester ends and the programme is not yet done, when God allows, I can continue to learn the unfinished programme in winter semester.

Yes, when God allows, because I still have no concrete plan after leaving my job on 21.4.22. But one thing is clear, I need an instrument to practice on, as I do not have access to organ as often as I wish to if I do not work in a church. Whether I stay in Germany or leave, I need an instrument. E-house-organ is ok that it has 2 manuals and pedal. But the touch of keyboard is insensitive, if I only practice on it, I am going to lose my technic. 2 manuals harpsichord is ideal but I do not have budget and space for this, imagine the shipping fees! The beautiful option could be a clavichord, hopefully the 2nd hand clavichord match my budget.

A Woman Playing a Clavichord – Gerrit Dou (1665)


I am getting serious with creating content on new media. One of my activities is to post a Reels (video) on Instagram, just to get use to it. The range of my Reels (Instagram Video) views is between 60 and 3000, very interesting and mysterious how my Reels travel and get view. However, just keep posting, after the low 60 views, the next Reels got 1000 views. C’est la vie, isn’t it? Fluctuating, no matter what, just keep going. They are nicely done, when you have time, it worth to pay a visit:


I hope the next blog post would be normal writing again. Thanks for bearing with my chaotic thoughts.