Schubert, Spinet and Reels

A lot of interesting things have happened since my last post, very mixed feeling, mostly too excited. I pick three to talk about: Schubert, Spinet, Reels.

Schubert Children Sound Book

I am that kind of person, that luck usually does not favour me. That means, I never won a lucky draw (as far as I remember). However, last year December, the various publishers that I am following on Instagram organized lucky draw activities. It was free and super easy to enter, I just had to write or put an emoji in the comment section. No more than 5 seconds work and give myself a chance, why not? Although, deep in my heart, I knew from my past experiences that I never won a lucky draw.

But nevertheless, I won this book – Schubert Children Sound Book from publisher ULLMANN. This book arrived in my letter box on last Saturday. I will be writing a detail book review in the future, so I would not expand it here. You can check my Instagram Reels to have a glimpse of the book.

The structure of the book is based on the most famous six melodies of Schubert and it sparks a question to me, and may be also to you:

Which music pieces of Schubert that you would like to introduce to children?

For me, “Die Forelle” jump into my mind immediately, very nice and dramatic, children will love it. Also “An die Musik”, a life long treasure, to prepare children for “grey moments in life”, they can always turn to music that recalls them about love and a better world.


In my last post I was talking about I am looking for an instrument and clavichord is my consideration. Anyway, with my budget is nearly impossible to get one clavichord in good condition for practice. But, as I was looking for a clavichord, I realized Spinet is a very good option. Now, I have 3 Spinets within my budget to choose from. One is in Dresden, the other two are in Freiburg. So excited that I have to travel again to meet my future potential Spinet. Moreover, when I am already in Dresden for a Baroque music instrument – Spinet, why not travel a little bit further to Berlin for a Baroque Festival?

Reflections on making Reels on Instagram

Of course I am happy to see many views on my Reels. There is one IG Reel this week get three hundreds something views, the other are more than one thousands view. I confess that I did ask “what have I done wrong?” although I knew it clearly that there is not much I can do behind all this algorithm stuff.

I still remember the IG Reel that I made in December last year, about a cozy coffee shop in Köln. I posted it before a concert, and after the concert, a friend told me: “Hey, your coffee shop got two hundreds views!” I was so happy because before that, I only got 30 views on my reels. And come on, the three hundreds views reel last week still more than two hundreds!

Actually, the most important thing to me is that my IG reels are spreading good message, nice value and enjoyable to watch. And the quality of my IG reels is totally in my control 🙂