If I say life is good without internet, I would be a hypocrite, although it was really good to have limited internet connection for the past two weeks. Internet in my home went down. It was a perfect timing, exactly when the corona rules for church music are changing rapidly. It was frustrating and a blessing at the same time.
Frustrating because I need to go somewhere to work. What kind of work, you can read the previous Blog, because I do not really like to discuss work here. And it is a blessing, when I was at home, I was separated from my work completely.
Usually at home, when I have internet connection, I will still reply email, so that the next day I could start earlier with organ practice. If I do not have email to reply, I will learn about creating content with new media. For example, I am learning using Instagram now, while my sister already using it for years. I will watch online tutorial video about how to edit video, how to reach new readers and etc. I will write new article for my blog – The Journey!
At home without internet, I enjoyed it very much. I read and read without distraction, I decorated my home with winter theme, written greeting cards for friends and family, cooked proper meal, washed my seat cushions, baked apple cupcakes, made Punch (German: Punsch) and etc. Before I wanted to try to make mulled wine (German: Glühwein), my internet is back, to prevent me become an alcoholic.

It is still work even I am having so much fun to create content for “The Journey” on different platforms: Blog, Instagram, Youtube. Creating is working, in the creation story in the Bible, God was creating and afterward, He rested. There is a time to thrive, then work hard and with full concentration. When it is time to rest, then rest properly. I can still recall a piece of art that I encountered in Bristol Cathedral in year 2011 – The Rest. It comforted me, it is worth having a look and you can view it here: https://thejourney-writing.com/2011/06/the-rest.html
Anyway, life with internet is more convenient. I am glad that my internet is back. The most important thing is I can update “The Journey” again! Thank you for your patient!