Yesterday, on the 1st Advent, I visited a friend for afternoon tea. She said, “I kept the DIY Advent Calendar that you made last year. I like it so much, I am going to reuse it this year.”
I am happy that my friend kept the calendar, I am sad that I did not make any Advent Calendar this year. Last year, I made Advent Calendar for her, for me, and also for this blog (Link at the bottom)! This year, I keep updating myself about new Corona rules for church music, every 3 to 5 days new rules. Read, making decision, making plan, emailing, telephoning, organizing and etc. On top of that, when someone occasionally asked me: “Have you organized this or that?” I will try my very best to keep my dormant volcano from eruption.
Moreover, the internet at my home is not functioning. I need to go to office or friend’s apartment to use internet. Sad that I cannot update “The Journey” as often as I wanted to, I usually do it at night. Good that when I am at home, no work can reach me. They have to wait until tomorrow. I realized that, sometimes, things are not as urgent as they seems to be.
Above are the reasons or excuses for not preparing Advent Calendar for my friends and you – my dearest readers. But I do have several Advent Calendars: a friend send me an Advent Calendar with Rainer Maria Rilke’s poetry; a friend send me an Advent Calendar with Tea collection; I use You Version Bible App- Bibleproject | Advent Reflection.

To me, the meaning of Advent Calendar is preparing my heart for the arrival of Christmas – Jesus Christ. Take time to be quiet, to pray, and also to care for others – that is why I am passionate about DIY Advent Calendar. Unfortunately, not this year.
May be this year, my task is to note down every beautiful thing that happened to me each day lead to Christmas. To be very sensitive about the Advent Calendar that God has prepared for me. For example:
The First Advent Sunday (28.11.): After work I was so hungry and my fridge only have a cup of Yogurt. Suddenly, a friend called me and brought me Sushi for lunch! Just in time.
The day after the 1st Advent (29.11.): I’ve got time to update my blog, practice organ pieces and talk to my family.
And so on … …
What about you? What is inside your Advent Calendar?
I wish you a very blessed and peaceful Advent Season.
- If you would like to, you also can reuse my Advent Calendar from last year.
The Journey Advent Calendar 2020: - I made a 3 hours Winter Coffee Shop background music video: - Please be patient with me, I will come back to Schumann Project soon.
- I hope to make more videos for Advent, since I did not prepare Advent Calendar for you. Thank you for your patient.