Do not miss out the spring time

Strolling through the farmer market is my favourite thing to do in Leonberg. I like the good quality vegetable and fruit at reasonable price, also the friendly farmers who are selling their production. The highlight now is a large selection of flower. I have bought “Ranunkeln” flower to decorate my living room. 

These days are rather depressive because of the seriousness of Coronavirus. Not only the cancelled worship services or concerts, furthermore, the people that in any way affected by Coronavirus phenomena. Therefore, it is absolutely important to follow the news, care for people who need help,  to be well informed to avoid spreading the virus. 

At the same time, let us do not miss out the beautiful spring time and the hope that spring time is bringing. Look at the flower buds that are awakening, and remember the voice that waking up the flower. A Sunday without worship service, still can be a Sunday that dedicated to pray for healing of this broken world.     


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