The Park

As I stepped out the church after my daily organ practice, the miss sunshine invited me to go to the park with her. I passed by my home to get a book and followed her to the park. 

While I was looking for a bench to sit, I saw two girls trying different movement for a dance. 
“I think when the lyric say `crazy´, we should do this motion. ” one of them said and showed the motion.  

I found a bench by the pond. Two boys with guitars were nearby, they were trying out different chords and putting some words to the chords. The birds chirping might be their inspirations. 

A kid accidentally jump into mud, his father was cleaning his shoe at the pond, very relaxing. 

When I was not reading, I was looking at ducks or ripple or both. 

Everyone suddenly has time for creativity and even enjoying cleaning shoe. And I could not remember when was the last time that I read a book in a park. 

The first day implementing social distancing policy. 


P.S. Despite cancelled worship services, I am still inviting you to pray at home.