Tag Archives: Love

Red Bean

  Let me introduce you the popular dessert among Chinese and Japanese – the red bean soup. Culturally, red bean is a symbol of faithful love, according to the Chinese poet Wang Wei (701-761). He wrote:  紅豆生南國,春來發幾枝。Red beans grow in south, new branches come with the spring. 願君多采擷,此物最相思。I advice you to cherish them, for they can most represent …

The 4 songs in “Ronja, the Robber’s Daughter”

“Ronja, the Robber’s Daughter” by Astrid Lindgren is the book that I am really into right now. It makes me reflect on generation gap, relationship between human and nature, how hate inherited or stopped. Most of all it is rich in imagination, funny and warm-hearted. One interesting thing is, there are a few songs being described in …