Daß du mich liebst, das wußt’ ich,Ich hatt’ es längst entdeckt;Doch als du mir’s gestandenHat es mich tief erschreckt. Ich stieg wohl auf die BergeUnd jubelte und sang;Ich ging an’s Meer und weinteBey’m Sonnenuntergang. Mein Herz ist wie die SonneSo flammend anzusehn,Und in ein Meer von LiebeVersinkt es groß und schön. Heinrich Heine English Translation …
Stay uprightthe rose advises,show thorns,be proud,bow down only to love. Kurt Marti Original Text (German) Bleib aufrecht, rät die Rose, zeig Dornen, sei stolz, beuge dich nur der Liebe. Kurt Marti
But then something strange happened. Just as we thought we would die, the waves calmed down and became still. They became completely still. They carried our boat gently past all the dangerous reefs and pushed it gently toward the black rugged rocks below Sir Kato’s castle. Mio, my son by Astrid Lindgren. English Translation by …
Once again she (Ronia) hid her face against Lovis’s knee and made her rough yellow gown wet with silent tears. Night and darkness had fallen; even the worst days come to an end. … … But Lovis sang, and the world became as it should be. Ronia sank into the deep peace of childhood, and with …
The story of Mio and Pompoo lost track of each other in “The Deepest Cave in the Blackest Mountain” I (Mio) rose up from the ground and something fell out of my pocket. It was the little wooden flute that Nonno had carved for me. My flute, that I had played around the campfire on Greenfields …
The days getting shorter, the weather getting colder and colder, year is getting closer to its end. I have no excitement anymore and my only wish is to stay healthy and alive for the rest of the day in the year. I have had enough for this year, please just leave me in peace. I …
Today is Eternity Sunday in Germany. It is a Protestant religious holiday commemorating the dead. I would like to share 3 pieces that touch my heart on this very special Sunday. 1. A prayer in English: God be in my head and in my understanding. God be in mine eyes and in my looking. God be in …
The merman sing again, the peaceful world restored. His music is more powerful, his voice touched human heart. He is still singing when the starry night fall.
Let me introduce you the popular dessert among Chinese and Japanese – the red bean soup. Culturally, red bean is a symbol of faithful love, according to the Chinese poet Wang Wei (701-761). He wrote: 紅豆生南國,春來發幾枝。Red beans grow in south, new branches come with the spring. 願君多采擷,此物最相思。I advice you to cherish them, for they can most represent …
Make yourself a cup of tea, and let us read a poem about Mid-Autumn Moon written by Su Dongpo (1037-1101). A little cultural background before reading the poem. Mid-Autumn festival is an important festival for Chinese, Japanese, Korean to be with family. Full moon is round, round in Chinese calls “yuan” 圆. When family is …