About weeping

I just finished reading a book that struck to the heart. The book is “Mio, My Son” by Astrid Lindgren. It is a children book, but I can relate it so much to my life. The King in the story seems to me like God, I can feel the happiness of Mio for having the father King. Of course happiness does not mean sadness and loneliness are excluded.  

Among many quotes from the book that I copied into my notebook. I am sharing this one, about weeping. 
I read in German and English version is from internet.

“Aber ich weinte nicht.
Denn ich war ja ein Ritter.
Ich weinte nicht? Doch, genau das tat ich. 
Ich lag dort hinter dem Felsen, die Stirn gegen den harten Boden gepresst, und weinte schlimmer, als ich es je in meinem ganzen Leben getan hatte.
Ein guter Ritter muss auch die Wahrheit sagen. 
Und es ist wahr, ich weinte. “


” —but I didn’t cry.
Because I was a knight.
Didn’t I cry? Yes, that’s just what I did.
I lay there behind the rocks with my forehead against the hard ground and cried more than I had done in all my life.
A good knight must speak the truth.
And it was true that I cried.”



Am I strong if I do not cry? 
Am I weak if I admitted I cried?