Organist life: I played a tiny concert on last Saturday. It was meaningful to me, because on this organ I have got my first organ lesson. This tiny concert was a fundraising concert for the organ, which I very appreciate. More and more churches have abandoned their organs to cut expenses. It is understandable, but cultural heritage is lost forever without being protected. This is why this church’s decision to repair the organ is particularly valuable.
Writer life: It is just an Instagram/ Blog Post! Yes, I could post my morning coffee, the places I’ve visited, so easy! But on the internet platform is already very saturated with this kind of posts, the main thing is, this is not the main reason why am I creating content here. The process is I have to choose a book to read, read the book, write down notes, take pictures, how to present this book, how this book is speaking to me and how it might relevant to my reader. How much time I spent on a post? May be you can ask yourself, how long it takes to read a book? To write?
The reality: The act collecting documents to apply for visa is tiresome. Calling and visiting different offices are wasting time and energy, the “best” part of it is, it is not making any progress. I guess this will accompany me for the whole wonderful beautiful month of May. No complain, it is my decision, every decision followed by consequences. I am ready for whatever outcome.
Also, from next month on, I will be living on my saving. Therefore, my financial plan will be tightened. I have to give up some favourite things like travelling, visiting concerts, buying books, eating out and hang out with friends.
Of course, if I want to, I still can do whatever job to cover my living cost. However, I should not build myself a new hamster wheel right after I’ve jumped off from another hamster wheel. I prefer to live very simple, so that I can have the time for reading, writing and practicing organ/ spinet.
Other than the points mentioned above, life is great.
Alone that I have time to cook every day and my kitchen is all the time clean, that is great. Before, on one day, I have to go to another place for lesson. On the way back I have to answer emails and calls. Got back to my place, I eat whatever available, after that I have no time to tidy up my kitchen, because I need to rush to rehearsal. When I come home, I was tired and look at my dirty kitchen but not much energy left to clean it up. I have no idea, how my friends with children and career manage their household. I only have to take care of myself and barely manage it.
Now I can plan meal and cook every day. It tastes much more better than frozen/ takeaway pizza. The vegetable and fruits are eaten before rotten. I am reducing food waste and it save money too.
Also, when I am not travelling or going out, I can write and practice music with less distraction. It is very important to travel, to go for great concerts, they are the most important sources of inspirations to me. To concentrate on writing and practicing music are not less important. And now is the time to produce words and build repertoire.
Due to my spinet, I am expanding my keyboard repertoire now. Not only pipe organ repertoire but also harpsichord repertoire. A new land in sight! My spinet has a warm resonant voice that I can give a concert with it. My plan is to design a concert programme that can be played on my spinet. It is a pity to limit my spinet merely for a practice instrument when it can do more.

These are my new workbooks for now. Later, also French, Italian and English harpsichord repertoire.
Music of my choice for today is J.S. Bach’s Violin Sonata in A Minor, BWV 1003. J.S. Bach arranged it for keyboard in D Minor, BWV 964, and this piece is in my new workbook. Now let us listen to the music.

To find out more about how things was developing please read: