I seldom talk about negative things on my blog, it is really only wasting space. However, it does not mean I have not encountered rudeness, disrespectful and unfair treatment. Sometimes I even question myself what have I done to deserve this. I generally take these things in a very light hearted way because the negativity is not worth lingering over. Also I am able to forgive very quickly because, firstly, I can unintentionally hurt others myself, second, reconciliation is very important to me.
There is one situation, even I can forgive and forget, still, I need to keep distance. That is when someone is malicious and chooses to hurt repeatedly purposely, it is no point to keep communicating at that moment, because it is impossible. It is as if I walk by a gate, and the dog shows its teeth and keep barking at me. It is better to walk away and walk faster. Reconciliation still can happen, when the other party is ready to communicate sincerely.
Why today I talk about this? Because I realized many people have experienced the situation too, just in case you have the same experience, so you will not feel alone in this. We are really not alone in this, I read many biographies, also in the Bible, this kind of examples are everywhere. The most important thing is to keep doing what is right, do not seek revenge and pray that I stand firm in doing good. Jesus knows everything, He has been treated really badly. For what has He done to deserved the death penalty?
Jesus did not fight back. It was not because He thought injustice was ok. Not at all. In St. John Passion No. 10, Jesus said:
“If I have spoken evil, prove that it is evil; but if I have spoken right, why did you smite me?”
“Hab ich übel geredt, so beweise es, daß es böse sei, hab ich aber recht geredt, was schlägest du mich?”
It is really not ok to treat someone badly. Justice is still very important to Him that He will not overlook injustice.
Jesus did not fight back because the war He was in was the war between evil and good. That means Jesus would lose the battle by fighting back, not being good anymore. This is also the war I am in. Every day, whatever happens, I should watch out never submit to evil by having negative thoughts and to seek revenge. Instead, keep doing the good thing, the right thing. This world wants to normalized injustice, rudeness and coldness, I think I should not give in.
”Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” – Romans 12:21
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I’ve been to the 300th anniversary of J.S. Bach’s St. John Passion in Leipzig. You can watch my vlog here:
Ya it’s very important to recognise when it crosses the line and do what is necessary and appropriate to ensure we all still could live with harmony but also justice.
I’m totally agree with you. Pray for justice will prevail.