“It sounded an excellent plan, no doubt, and very neatly and simply arranged; the only difficulty was, that she had not the smallest idea how to set about it … ” – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
This can explain my current situation. So many wonderful things planned for this year, and I have not the smallest idea how to carry them out. Mainly because of lack of liquidity. To have bought my own organ to practice is still the best thing I have done this year so far, for how shall I prepare for all the concerts and my works without the organ? The problem is, since I’ve bought the organ, my saving account is almost hitting bottom. I am barely floating at the moment. The slightest change in my income, I would not make it for another month.
Somewhere in April, one student wanted to pause her piano lesson. The time her mother told me about this, I was very busy with various organ playing engagements. I planned to meditate on my loss after those events, for I needed to be very concentrate on preparing music, I simply could not bear the distraction by overthinking on stuffs that I have no solution.
Miraculously, simultaneously, I’ve got two enquiries and I’ve given the trial lessons. After I completed my organ playing engagements, the two new students informed me that they want to start in May. I breath normally again.
Last week, I was rather sad and I have accepted to miss the Nordic Church Music Symposium 2024 in Copenhagen because of my financial situation cannot support this. Suddenly, my colleague also my wonderful musician friend from the Global Songbook Committee helped me persuaded the Church of Sweden to sponsor my participant fee. We will be contributing a session of Global Songbook 2024 there.
I am over the moon that my parents want to come with me when I am touring for organ concerts. They are together with my sisters of course happy to share the travelling costs, it is also my hope to treat them very well. My heart gasps, why this year when I have bought organ and so poor. Still, I hope they come this summer not next summer. Because NOW is always the best time, I simply never know when will be the next time or if there will be next time at all. No one can really tell (remember COVID19?). Creating beautiful memories together and relationship are always life’s utmost priorities.
These two months I experienced how the table turned for me. Yes, it is still scary all the time, I am still “have not the smallest idea how to set about it”, for I have limited time, energy and money. After these two months, it is “curiouser and curiouser” that I sleep very well. I should just concentrate on if I am obeying God’s purposes for me, if yes, I shall worry about nothing.
“The Lord will fulfil his purpose for me; Your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” Psalm 138:8
More Information about the Global Songbook 2024:
More Information about the 23rd Nordic Church Music Symposium in Copenhagen:
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Best time is NOW.
Indeed it is because some moments don’t wait.
Hope your preparations all go well and have a great time!
Yeah, and we truly will not know what tomorrow will be, only NOW we have the chance to do good thing. Thank you so much for your support and prayer.