Ring, ring …
“Hi, good morning, your organ is ready, I am calling to organize the delivery date with you.”
I could not believe my ears, I could not believe what I’ve heard, I could not believe this day is actually coming and in the foreseeable future. I still vividly remember a month ago, how my head was going to explode by thinking of buying an organ and how to finance it.
The friend came today and took the last shelf away, to make space for organ. There are still many boxes and stuffs to organize, tomorrow I need to clean the wall. At least, it does not seem endless anymore if compare to weeks ago.
These two months are spending on setting up space and equipment for the efficiency of doing the work. The reading corner and various reading plans are working very well now. The next thing is to get organ practicing going. When my organ Hansel comes, I can start to design new programme, plan for concerts and may be start a YouTube organ channel? After that, make plan for my YouTube travel vlog, I did not upload for a long time, but I have not given up. Step by step, no panicking.
Everything takes time to grow, we do not throw away the plant, just because it did not grow fast enough or it is not blooming at the moment. Really, I have not known which plant is blooming forever. If you know which plant is blooming forever, please do enlighten me.
Many friends are concerning my visa status, also the friend who helped me with removing furniture today. Before leaving, he asked me:
“Have you heard anything from immigration office?”
“If you did not ask me, I have almost forgotten that it exists.” I replied.
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Why I give my organ the name “Hansel?” Read this post:
More information about the picture: