It was love // Es war Liebe

Recently I attended a funeral, after the funeral, I have a little walk through the graveyard. On one gravestone, the inscription was “It was love” and two names, I guess they might be a married couple. It is so beautiful that I hope I can have the same words on my gravestone too.

That will change everything with how I live my life now. I cannot just hope for something and never work on it. If I want the very precious, unique, the greatest gift of all – LOVE as the conclusion of my whole life, I have to live a life of LOVE. If not, it would be a lie. And I don’t want a lie to put on my gravestone.

I am always writing about the values I hold on to, values like to put my relationship with God above all, to prioritized the relationship with people above all next to God, love and honour one another, loyalty, responsibility, build trust, build bridge, marriage is meant to be one spouse for a life time, the covenant is built on trust but not on “what can I get out of it?”, choose to be kind even when it makes me look like an idiot and etc.

When I die, I hope the person close to me recognised me as a kind person more than a successful whatever person. Fame, beauty, wisdom, wealth, talents all come from God, when the possessions I have been given are not used for the benefit to others through kindness, they are meaningless. Remember the tragedy of The Picture of Dorian by Oscar Wilde. He was forever young, rich, girls and women of all ages at his disposal, famous. Nevertheless, his life was a tragedy. If I am setting these things as my life goals, I already knew how my tragic end will look like.

Now, the key point is how I live my life? Is my life after the values I advocate?

It is like learning new music, I would be very careful about wrong notes, I would avoid them. If I’ve made mistakes and did not correct them during practice, predictably I would not get it right when I play the music publicly. The key moment is the time spend in the practice room, not on stage. If the discipline in practice room is not guarded, it will be a disaster on the stage. I might could have get away for one time, two times, but not always. This is why integration in life is so important.

The main reason of some public figures make me feel disgusting and nausea is the life they are living is a contradiction to the policy they are advocating or the word they have said. Even if he or she is the prettiest in the world, rich and famous. No, thanks. I don’t want to have anything to do with them. I want to be at peace with me and the values I believe.

To me, private life and public life is one same life. To write is very easy, to live the life I am writing is a daily practice, however, there are many wonderful promises in the Bible that God will guide me through every step of life.

And when the time has arrived that I’ll be gone, I truly hope that my gravestone says, It was Love. I sincerely hope the person who attend my funeral would agree with it. Now, as I am still breathing, I still can work on it, so the end will be like what I wish for.

Further Reading

The beautiful funeral:
A coffin for two:
A love story:
Buy me a cup of coffee?