How I treated a cold?

When people saw me last week, they’d thought something bad had happened to me, even a stranger had pity on me and offered me a pastry (very tasty!). My family was worried about me during a video call, because tears keep flowing down my face as a symptom of a cold (not sadness).

I did a COVID test, it was negative, so I was still thinking to carry on my daily life like usual. Until a friend said : “It is getting worse if you do not take care, for my opinion, you belong to bed at least for the 3 complete days.”

So I went to a drugstore to get enough tissue paper and nasal spray, cancelled all my appointment and turn off my alarm clock for 3 days. The 3 days were like heaven. The rhythm of my life was in perfect harmony with my biological clock.

When I was tired, I slept. When I was hungry, I ate. When I was thirsty, I drank. When I was no sleeping, I read or cook, as I was getting better I also had a walk. No need to look at the clock for 3 whole days tastes like heaven. I’ve been working so hard (I know I am not the only one), I think it is ok, when I am sick, I can have days without clock.

I’ve read a lot, including Bible. It is a comfort to read the Genesis 1 and 2. In chapter 1, before God created new thing on a new day, the Bible said “Evening passed and morning came …”. It is also a Jewish tradition, the new day starts when the sun went down. The new day begins with gathering with family at a dining table and REST but not work.

Chapter 2, By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

Rest is holy, to rest is a blessing. I am so blessed!

I could not believe a week ago, I could only walk the distance from my bed room to bath room or to kitchen. I could only stand for 15 minutes (when cooking) and no more. Now I can travel to moon because I have recovered!

“What have you done? How can you recovered so fast?” My sister asked.
“I’ve done nothing. Just rest well, eat well and drink water.” I replied.

And books are my best companions 😊