Walking in fields of gold

This view is unbelievable, the vineyard that I’ve walked so often has suddenly turned into gold. Therefore, it is the title of this post. I am not philosophizing the golden field in this post, but just some updates. It is already Friday and I haven’t post in this week, the time is riding rocket.

The main concern of the week is to send my postal vote. I am trying to be a good citizen of Malaysia and practicing my right to vote. I received my ballot on Monday. I have to find a witness, luckily there is one Malaysian in the town I live, we come to know each other on Monday. Tuesday, I have to bring my ballot to Heidelberg and a volunteer will bring my ballot to Frankfurt. A volunteer will fly my ballot from Frankfurt to Kuala Lumpur. Another volunteer will wait at Kuala Lumpur airport and fly to East Malaysia. And one more volunteer will drive my ballot to the town I am born.

Yes, sounds ridiculous that the election process is so complicated, but I guess it is intentionally designed to be made difficult. My vote is certainly impossible to arrive on time tomorrow, on the election day, if it is not volunteers organized by NGO Global Bersih. Global Bersih is a NGO aim for fair election in Malaysia.

I vote because of the hope in certain politician or political party? May be not, I vote because I am trying my best to slow down the degradation. My ultimate hope is I am not going to live forever on this earth. But I vote, because of the future generation, because I am still living here, I still have the responsibility to fight for a liveable future.

The main theme of November and December is organ playing. I am happy for the invitations, but I don’t know why I feel so stressed. I guess I have too many appointments, but I need to play enough organ to pay my living. I am still figuring out how to find a balance between work and trust. I still remember my new year resolution for 2022, to stop glorifying busyness, put relationship at the first place. More information about that, can read this blog post:

After practicing in a cold church, it was a rainy day, it was too late to travel home, in this case, “Friendship Hotel” is even more precious to me. I stepped into the room, I heard the crackling fireplace, I felt the warm of the room and they served me a bowl of homemade pumpkin soup. I am so thankful for the dinner, the warm and the companionship.

I met this China Aster on my daily walk. Its symbols are pursuit trustworthy love, patience and charm. My Begonia makes me very happy these days and it worth a post of its own. So keep an eye on The Journey’s blog.

The music of the night is inspired by my walk today. I am not walking in fields of barley, but it is still fields of gold.

It’s getting cold, a nice cup of hot coffee is appreciated, may be you want to buy me one? Thank you!

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