If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you might know that I usually do not post on Sunday. It is because of the Christian commandment that I am following, I should rest one day in a week. If you want to know more about why am I not posting on Sunday, can read this blog:
So why the exceptional posting today? Because I am celebrating my flowers! My Christmas cactus is blooming and looking elegant. The flowers are wearing white gown with golden necklace and pink diamond crown. They are simply beautiful in every way. And because of “Happiness is Only Real When Shared.” – Christopher McCandless. I just want to share my happiness the flowers have brought to me with you.

What am I doing on Sunday?
I went to church and accompanied the Sunday worship service. I am thankful that the church, my former employer and congregation are very supportive even though I am no more officially employed. I still can practice organ in the church and use the office. I appreciate it very much, I need organ and my internet at home is super slow, I do need access to printer and table. And I can still accompany worship services on organ as replacement organist.
I am rereading a book Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke. A book that I always come back to when I need motivation. A quote that I value is:
Ask yourself in your night’s quietest hour: must I write? Dig down into yourself for a deep answer. And if it should be affirmative, if it is given to you to respond to this serious question with a loud and simple “I must”, then construct your life according to this necessity; your life right into its most inconsequential and slightest hour must become a sign and witness of this urge.
Let everything I do be authentic, like a faithful servant stewarding the gifts given from above and use it to serve people. No other purpose. Also in my everyday life, never forget to keep writing and music making, no matter what, be true to “this urge”. This is my wish and prayer.
After talking to family, I prepared a meal that required a lot of time. And the cleaning afterward needed an hour. Which I do not have the chance to make it during the week day. Well, just like music, to get better in cooking, I still need more practices. That’s why I need Sundays.
PS If you liked my post, you can consider to donate a cup of coffee. I thank you in advance ^_^