
Sick! It may also be sometimes. I suffered a serious headache this morning. Instead of getting myself ready to travel to another place for organ lesson and rehearsal with a soprano and a tenor, I had to cancelled them.

I am thankful that I was feeling better already in afternoon, I am also thankful about I have food at home, so that I can cook a proper meal. I tried the new recipe from my father and it tastes like home! After that, my headache kind of reminding me about its existence, which mean I have to rest again.

So I crawled under the blanket and read this book – The Greek Myths by Robert Graves.

The introduction written by Rick Riordan also very interesting to read. He is the author of Percy Jackson. Oh yeah, I think it is time to reread the Percy Jackson series. How I enjoyed them and almost forgotten them.

Greek Myth, bizarre relationships and adventures that inspired western art, music and literature for centuries. To prepare myself for my next visit in museum, it is fun to get familiar with who’s who with this book. This book is well researched and well written and I am having fun reading it.

Because J.S. Bach did compose a secular cantate (BWV201) based on a Greek Myths’ story, hence, I turn to page that introducing “Apollo” and “Pan”. The cantate BWV 201 of Bach is about the music competition between “Apollo” and “Pan”. I am not sure if I can say it is comparable to nowadays “The Voice”?
It is very exciting that the book did mention about this competition!

Oops, Apollo’s character was not so bright neither Pan, they could be mean. Poor Dryope. But Marpessa did a good job. As well as Daphne, I did not know that she has been spirited away, I thought she has been turned into a tree. Anyway, I respect her, because love cannot be forced. Furthermore, one should avoid a relationship with a playboy like Apollo, no matter how charming he is. Yes, even the price is to become a tree.

Never mind the Greek Myths, now let’s listen to the Bach’s music regarding the story of Pan and Apollo. The music makes me laugh, I hope you too.

PS No worry about the headache. I came back from the last rehearsal for String Ensemble and still can update my blog, I think I’ll be ok soon.