Today is the official farewell worship service. The independent day is 21.4.22. After that, I am off shore for new horizons. The card I received from the church says: “Departing to new shores!” (Auf zu neuen Ufern)

Where exactly? I still do not have a concrete plan, I will first just keep doing my favourite things, namely learning organ and creating contents for “The Journey”. It is really strange that I am happy as the last working day approaching rather than worrying about the real situation. To be honest, not without worrying but still I am truly happy. I also received a recent edition of Bible, the compass that will show me the direction to the place I have to go.

On top of that I received a beautiful rose bouquet. A very promising sign, the journey would be beautiful.
I am very excited about my new Bible “Basis-Bibel”, although I already own 5 Bibles. I like the explanation at the side. It is very funny to know that my friend also has the “Basis-Bibel” but a different one. We just realized that “Basis-Bibel” has two version. One is printed in a form of romance/ novel, which is the version of my friend. Mine is in a form of poem! And I love my version. See picture, which one do you like more?

My two life long currently reading books. The Bible is for life and afterlife. The Greek Myths is for art and literature.