Greetings from Altenburg

Die Silbermann-Orgel zu Ponitz

Highlight of today:

  1. As we’re arriving in the church in Ponitz, Prof. Lohmann greeted us by playing choral variation – Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig BWV 768 on this blue organ bench.

  2. The organ piece of the day to me is III. Klavierübung – Vater unser BWV 682 (Organ Mass: The Lord’s Prayer). Again, it was a moment of epiphany. The evil world represented by the lombard rhythm, we could play it naughtily (frech). The canon form represented the order, following God’s instruction to pray. And many more details.
    I am not sure if in this life I manage to play this. However, difficult music piece is not something to conquer or to possess. When the time has come, when I have the chance to play it, it is a gift. A gift that I do not deserve, it calls grace. All in all, I am lucky enough to get to know this from Prof. Lohmann.

  3. I am still overwhelmed about tonight. I spent 2 hours alone with this Trost organ in Altenburg castle (Residenzschloss Altenburg). That’s why I need to write this post, I guess I forgot my heart at there.



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      The Journey Writer

      Thank you for leaving a comment. May be I will post a recording later on my youtube channel 😉

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