Greetings from Eisenach

The organ says: Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Organ need air (wind) to produce sound, just like human breathing in the air to make music to praise the lord. This organ located in the J.S. Bach’s house museum in Eisenach. We were learning organ works from J.P. Sweelinck with Prof. van Dijk on this organ.
Afternoon we were learning organ works from J.S. Bach, C.H. Rinck and F. Liszt with Prof. Lohmann in Stadtlengsfeld. Among everything that he taught, his interpretation of the piece “Schmücke dich” was an epiphany moment to me. I found one recording on Youtube played by him. Link:
Viele Grüße aus Bachs Heimatstadt – Eisenach.


Tonight is the last night in Eisenach. I think I need another life in order to learn all these wonderful organ pieces. I am very looking forward to the concert tomorrow, where the professors play on the wonderful Trost-organ in Waltershausen. Good night!