Story 1. DIY Card
“Happy birthday! Here’s your present! “
But my friend only interested at the handmade birthday card, not the gift.
„Hey! Your DIY card skill is making progress! The one from last year was not that beautiful.“
So if you are my friend, beware of my self-made birthday card. It could be beautiful if you are lucky, just imagine if you are not very lucky what kind of card you will receive.
Story 2. Mysterious Holes
One day in my childhood, my mother found out there were holes in my Children’s Encyclopedia and asked me what happened? I proudly showed her my scrapbook, and asked if she like those pictures from the book in a new combination.
She said: „please, next time, don’t cut the picture from books. You can cut the pictures out of newspaper or magazine for scrapbook.“
One day, my father found out there were holes in newspaper. He suspected that I did it and he was right. I defended: “But mother said I am allowed to cut newspaper!“
„Yes, but please first look at the date. You can cut newspaper from yesterday but not from today’s newspaper.“
Story 3. Insomnia Remedy
I suffer insomnia from time to time since decade. When I could not sleep, making handicraft like cutting paper helps me relax and after awhile I can sleep. It is one of my insomnia’s remedies.
Story 4. DIY Birthday Postcard Vlog
Recently I’m making many birthday cards, because many friends are having birthday in this month. Those stories of handicraft occur in my mind. I smile at those nice and funny memories. In this blog, I share with you my stories. In this vlog, I share with you how relax is it to make a birthday postcard.
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