I have just done the Holy week, Good Friday and Easter worship service marathon. While I was so concentrated on my work, of course I have no space left for the Easter celebration like decorating my apartment or bake cake.
However, I am so thankful for those people who make an effort to make my life beautiful. On Good Friday I received a wonderful flower bouquet to decorate my dining table. I discovered an Easter nest full with hand made cookies in my office on Saturday. On Sunday early morning, another Easter nest full with hand made cookies and coloured eggs surprised me as I opened my door. Later, again a Easter nest full with chocolate eggs at my door. After the worship service, my neighbour invited me for coffee with gorgeous torte. More Easter nests with my favourite things like books and kitchen stuffs.
I was showered by abundant blessings that I ashamed of my self-pity. It was depressive to see my chaotic apartment because I do not have time to clean it. As I walked by my neighbor’s festive decorated houses, my heart just sank. I would talk like this: “Ok, with my occupation as church musician, please just forget it. Easter is about Christ is risen but not about bunnies and eggs anyway, do the right thing, focus on preparing music for worship services.”
But those people did not forget me and brought Easter celebration to me. Usually, children have to go into garden or wood to look for the hidden eggs and chocolate. In my case, I just have to be where I am, the Easter Bunnies come and visit me. I am so spoiled. Rethinking Passion and Easter, if God loves me lavishly to give His son Jesus to save me, He can easily throw a Easter party with tasty cakes and gifts to me through my neigbour.