The organ shall sound!

I know the title is obvious plagiarism from the air “The Trumpet Shall Sound” in Händel’s Messiah. The air is about the life after death, when the trumpet sound, the dead shall be raised, and we shall be changed, because in Christ shall all be made alive. 

Actually this writing is not about Händel’s Messiah. However, I experienced “be raised” by practicing organ, and I suddenly think about this air. Just like the weather could be cloudy sometimes, so is the feeling. But my daily routine continue regardless the state of feeling, one of my routine is practice organ. Almost every time I will have a better feeling after practice. 

Especially the Chorale Prelude – organ piece that written based on a hymn, the combination of music and text is often inspiring and moving. J.S. Bach’s chorale preludes are even elevated to the philosophical level. There are large amount of organ prelude composition across period, and it is impossible to choose this or that, mainly because of I am still getting to know them. In this post I would like to share 2 tiny pieces that I just learned not long ago, which raised me and changed me. 

The first one is Die güldne Sonne voll Freud und Wonne by Karl Piutti (1846 – 1902). It is a praise song for the golden morning sun. It is like splendid shine shimmering everywhere. Text written by Paul Gerhardt, translated by J. Kelly in English. 

Die güldne Sonne
voll Freud und Wonne
bringt unsern Grenzen
mit ihrem Glänzen
ein herzerquickendes liebliches Licht.

Mein Haupt und Glieder
die lagen darnieder;
aber nun steh ich, 
bin munter und fröhlich,
schaue den Himmel mit meinem Gesicht.

The golden morning,
Joy her adorning,
With splendour near us
Draweth, to cheer us
With her heart-refreshing and lovely light.

My head and members
Lay wrapt all in slumbers,
But now awaking,
And sleep from me shaking,
Heaven’s bless’d sunshine doth gladden my sight.

The second piece is Alles ist an Gottes Segen by Sigfrid Karg-Elert (1877 – 1933). My favourite word is “Heldenmut” – dauntless heart. When I play “Heldenmut” is like I am announcing victory. No matter what is the weather outside the church, even the worst thunderstorm cannot stop the triumphal sound inside the church. The author is unknown, English translation by Catherine Winkworth.    

Alles ist an Gottes Segen
Und an seiner Gnad gelegen,
Über alles Geld und Gut.
Wer auf Gott sein Hoffnung setzet,
Der behält ganz unverletzet
Einen freien Heldenmut.

All depends on our possessing
God’s abundant grace and blessing,
Though all earthly wealth depart.
He who trusts with faith unshaken
By their God are not forsaken
And will keep a dauntless heart.

The sound files played by me, just in case you’re interested to know how it sound.