Life does not have to be as it always was. New hope is just around the corner. Due to the current situation, I have to draw new plan, new programme, new arrangement and with no clue if everything is going to work or to start over again.
And precisely because of this unknown future, it is liberating me to discover new wonderful thing. I am very grateful for different musician who are introducing me to some repertoire for organ as accompany instrument. I have 3 books to start with.

I have only just begun to discover this new land. Not knowing if I can manage it, nor implementing, nor performing them. But why everything has to be performance and career oriented? It is music, it is not business, I am totally fine with investment without reward.
For I just discovered something beautiful, and knowing that something I like do exist! I just want to spend some time to be happy about their existence and to appreciate them. Just like Ronja first time discovered water lilies:
“Ronja wusste nicht, dass es seerosen waren, aber sie sah sie lange an und lachte leise, weil es sie gab.”
“Ronja did not know that they were water lilies, but she looked at them for a long time and laughed softly because they existed.”