
Every year but not this year on 6th of January, children carol from door to door, to bring blessing and to collect donation for children’s relief project. In Germany, the children are called – Die Sternsinger ( the star singers). And it is the world’s largest solidarity campaign by children for children.

1. The door bell ring

2. The star singer introducing themselves and sing a song

3. I will make a donation by putting money into the tin (for the children’s relief project of the year)

4. The star singer chalking my door with “20*C+M+B+21” 

CMB stands for Christus Mansionem Benedicat – May Christ bless the house.  

Let me learn from the star singers, play music to bring blessing and play music for a better world.   



Let us carry the miracle of Christmas into the year 2021 🙂  This is the last post in the “Christmas series”, thank you for checking in.