“That sort of pride is all wrong”

Remember that I talked about my chaotic state of mind and restlessness? Recently, something happened make me realize that I probably should navigate my life differently. 

” A good plan is the most important thing (in German “das A und O”). “

This sentence belong to one of my mottos. Close friends of mine might have heard I said it hundreds times. “A good plan” I mean is a plan that could make sure things fall properly at its place on time, in my way. I will stick to my plan, do not revise it if my way is the only way of doing thing, and therefore, I am obsessive with my plan. 

Jobbing to cover expenses of the “idle” January, written my report, done an interview, continue my organ lesson and rehearsal with the violinist, arranging the new job and introducing myself to the new work place, clearing my apartment, pack boxes, doing interior design for my new apartment, online shopping for new furniture. In order to start the new job in a different city perfectly and on time, all rely on a good plan. 

Everything went very well according to plan, only it pushed me over the edge without I noticing it. 

Here come the thing that reminds me to navigate life differently. 3 days before moving house, unfortunately a friend tested positive for covid19 and I have to quarantine as contact person category one. A real life story of how plan can changed overnight. 

“This weekend I will be moving house!” me.
“What? So in a hurry?” a friend.

The next day.

“Mmm… I have to quarantine and not moving house on Saturday.” me.
“What a shocking reversal!” a friend. 

On the moment that I know I do not have to work on Friday, and I am not moving house on Saturday I was greatly relieved.

I think carefully again, do I plan to move house on Saturday and still having work on Friday in another town? What was I actually thinking? A really bad plan indeed, I am so glad for the interruption before I go mad. Other than some urgent emails to write, everything can actually wait. 

Of course, I feel really sorry for the sick friend and the family. The only thing that I can do is pray, and very fortunate, now I have time to pray. Other than that, I finally can turn off my morning alarm and sleep as much as I needed. Here I would introduce my favourite German idiom: Den Seinen gibt´s der Herr im Schlaf. I will translate it like this: the Lord God grant good things to those who sleep. I welcome correction of the translation from German friends. 

Navigating life with plan is still important in a sense that to be responsible for my life. Wrong is to put forward the plan without advising about what is the creator’s plan for me. I need to be responsible and also be humble before God. 


… you who say, “We are going to such-and-such a city today or tomorrow. We shall stay there a year doing business and make a profit”! How do you know what will happen even tomorrow? What, after all, is your life? It is like a puff of smoke visible for a little while and then dissolving into thin air. Your remarks should be prefaced with, “If it is the Lord’s will, we shall be alive and will do so-and-so.” As it is, you get a certain pride in yourself in planning your future with such confidence. That sort of pride is all wrong. 

James 4:12-17 (J.B. Phillips New Testament)

Der Mensch denkt und Gott lenkt 



Note: Please do not worry about me. I still can write, you can see that I am really fine.