A Wednesday in October

This is what I see when I am travelling to the place where I have my organ lesson. Each time I come back from my lesson, I deeply feel that life is just too short for all the organ pieces I want to learn. I appreciate my every organ lesson to get honest and constructive feedback. It is very fulfilling because I am improving in organ playing.

It will be a lie if I say I do not worry at all about how to pay my rent, living cost and insurances. But it is not a lie that I still can sleep very well almost every night, because my life is very fulfilling. Practice organ and take care of my digital platforms – The Journey are energy-consuming activities, it is a lot of work. This is why at the end of the day, I am just tired and I sleep. I just do not have any energy left for worries.

I am very thankful that until year end at least I can pay my rent, weekend and Christmas are fully booked for worship services. I still need some bread-winning-works for weekday, because practicing is not generating income even if I consider practice as work.

I just keep practicing and playing organ/ spinet, suddenly 10 months has passed, many pieces still half-done and in 3 months the year will be over. See? I have more anxieties if I am not improving myself.

Tonight, we are listening to my currently newly learning organ piece.

PS If you enjoyed reading my blog, you can consider to support me by buying me a cup of coffee. Your Kofi-tip is important to keep “The Journey” going 🙂 I thank you in advance! https://ko-fi.com/thejourneywriter

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