How was today worship service without congregational singing?

Deeply relaxed and rested in prayer. 


Among many measures been taken for worship service during COVID19 period, this writing is going to talk about two of them, and how they actually helped me worship. And one surprise finding. 

1. Without singing. 
Usually I would be busy looking at the wall (showing number), to know which verses to sing now. Some times I am stressed, for the verse is on another page as the printed music notation. Often the hymn singing is over, and I do not really get the depth of the hymn. 

Today I have a programme with lyrics printed on it, I can read the lyrics as the Kantor play or sing the hymn:
“Wenn du kraftlos bist und verzweifelt weinst, hört er dein Gebet …” 
“When you are weak and crying desperately, he hears your prayer …”

Yeah, I was exhausted and do not feel like singing. This form of worship was exactly what I needed at the moment. Let the hymn speak to me, that my prayer being heard even when I am too weak to raise my voice. I could grasp the meaning of hymn deeply and I could truly lean myself in it. The meaning of worship for me is to enter God’s rest – the profound peace. So without singing helped me experience the peace. 

2. Without hymn book. 
Usually I would busy put the ribbons of hymn book to the page which might be read or sung. During the sermon, although I was listening to it, but my hand some times unconsciously still holding the hymn book and accidentally look at the painting that printed inside the hymn book and forgot to pay attention to the sermon. 

Today, I listened carefully, every word with full concentration. Today sermon was about prayer. 

3. The surprise finding.
Usually, after the sermon is congregation singing hymn to respond to the sermon. 

Today, we replaced the congregational singing with chamber music. A violinist and an organist were playing sonata prima of Dario Castello (1602-1631). No singing, no words, only melody. It provided a spacious room to pray actively and earnestly in heart when the music is being played. Which is the best response to the sermon theme on prayer. 

May be it existed only not so popular, may be my knowledge of music history is too limited, I seldom connect chamber music with church music. Suddenly, it came to my mind that chamber music has a role to play in worship service, and this I would like to explore more. Because it helped me pray.   

Worship service with limitations is unleashing its true meaning. Only when I understand the true meaning of worship, then when I am allowed to sing again in worship service, I could do it with doubled joy. Now, let me not waste the limitations.