Have you ever had a beautiful dream and somehow lost it somewhere. Schubert’s Nacht und Träume is about bringing back this fair dream from above to us. If it is a beautiful dream, be courageous to dream again, and never let it go. Some dreams are messages from heaven about our purposes on earth.
Only the dream from heaven is worth dreaming of. On the contrary, if the dream is not from heaven, it is only a distraction that I should get rid of. But how do I know which dream belongs to heaven or not?
Popular Christian thinking is I am going to have “peace of mind” about the decision made if it is from heaven. I had experienced this kind of peace, it is true. This is the first sign.
The second sign is all thing will turn out automatically for me, I am able to feel the God’s invisible hands are moving thing around. In my long and complicated life, I had have this kind of experiences too. Thing could happened only because of the divine intervention.
The question is, is the dream definitely not from heaven if the two signs I mentioned were absent?
Could Jesus feel peace before He went to calvary to die the horrifying death? When He knew He was going to experience the separation from God, did He has the peace of mind? Was crucifixion still God’s will if Jesus was not able to feel peace at that distress moment?
There was no superman to collect Jesus from the cross to avoid the death. The crowd mocked Him “Where is Your helper? Son of God, free yourself from the cross.” Nor there was our understanding of “divine intervention” happened. Was it still God’s will?
Hence, the two signs cannot use as sure measurements of God’s will or not. The key is, to communicate with God, and He will make known His will to us. Like Jesus, crucifixion was horrendous difficult, Jesus prayed all the time, to stay the course.
Now, another question, how to know when to give up a dream?
Jehoash struck the ground three times and stopped where he should had be more persistent. Naaman has to bath 7 times in the river in order to get healed. For those dreams from above, have I already tried 7 times? Have I struck the ground more than 3 times?
For otherwise dreams, have I turned from them? I truly should, before I become a pillar of salt, that was the result of Lot’s wife looked back.
Ask God for direction. Yes, it is certainly important. Because without knowing the direction, no matter how fast I move, I would never arrive my destination. However, if I wait too long to act it is also wrong. Indecision is a trap itself, refuse to take responsibility, stagnation can cause disastrous consequences too. I pray for wisdom here.
Most importantly, if I missed the dreams that He put into my heart, I waste my life. So those dreams from God, please return to me, difficult or easy, I will follow. When my heart fills with the fair dreams, false dreams will have no place to linger on.
And my wish for all of us …
“Fair dreams, return!”
“Holde Träume, kehret wieder!”
From “Nacht und Träume”
Song by Franz Schubert
Matthäus Casimir von Collin
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