An interview with brutal honesty

Recently, I bumped into an interview on YouTube, the founder of “The Futur” Christ Do interviewed international keynote speaker Vinh Giang. I have heard of “The Futur” not long ago, this channel provides tips on make a living doing what we love. And this was my first time listened to Vinh Giang, he is a keynote speaker that combine magic and storytelling.

“Mastering Communication: The Key to Success in Life and Business” is the title of the interview. It sounds like a clickbait but the content is much deeper than the title. It is an interview with brutal honesty. During the interview, Vinh talked about:
How he suffered depression at the peak of his career and resented the job he loves. How the safety net (family and friends) allowed him to be brave. Openly admitted that he once lived on his wife’s income and very grateful for that. How having an autism son has turned the job he loves into a calling, and has given the new meaning of his job. The result is even more desirable. The most important thing is, he is happy.

This reminds me of the author of my favourite book series Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan. His older son Haley had been diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia, Haley is the titular protagonist with hyperactive and dyslexic in the book. The ideas for the Percy Jackson series were originally bedtime stories about ancient Greek heroes for Haley.

If one can choose, I guess seldom does anyone hope to get a child with autism, ADHD or dyslexia. I am not saying they are second best, not at all, what I am saying is, it’s heart breaking to see the children are having such difficulties. However, the seemingly handicap in life could be a leverage to the greater purpose in life, if I don’t fall into my own self-pity trap.

I know I am straying away from the interview. Yeah, watch it when you have time. Scroll down for the link to video. You can have a glimpse of the interview by keeping reading some transcripts I noted down here.

Vinh: “I’ve moved my family overseas, I should stay in this career, I should milk it for another 10 years. Come on, I’ve worked so hard for this. Some of my agents were saying: “Hey, you’re going to commit career suicide if you stop.” I was like, yeah, but I think I am destroying my happiness as well if I don’t stop, for my sanity. Something that I love so much had been something that I resented. I’ve created something that made me severely unhappy.”

Chris: “You resented it because you achieved exactly what you thought you wanted but when getting it, it took you away from the things you cared the most about. At pivotal moments there have been really important people in your life. We want to acknowledge the people in our lives that help us. It is good to know that you have these great pillars within your support group that you can always count on. Maybe you can be a little bit braver, can take more risk because we know that net will always be there to catch us. We have dark days, we have days in which we question what we’re doing, the results aren’t lining up and received well and we need that support network.”

Vinh: “I know that me teaching helps other people as well, but deep in my heart, if you ask me why I am doing it, that’s my boy is going to need me one day. By teaching, I’m deepening my knowledge in this craft (communication). When my boy needs me, my only hope is this father will be very ready and prepared to help him take on the challenges that he’s going to face in his life. And I’m a new father, I’m only five years in. Byproduct that exists as a result of me doing this is I get to teach people from all over the world this wonderful craft.”

Link to Chris Do and Vinh Giang.

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