The longest night of the year 2022

Tonight is the longest night of the year. What a perfect timing that the light bulb arrived today, so that I can have enough light!

A book that inspired me afresh every time I read it is The Little Donkey/ Ein Esel geht nach Bethlehem by Gerda Marie Scheidl, Bernadette Watts. Its central thinking is God’s love made every creature worthy. He even sent angel and light so that the donkey could find Jesus.

This book is like a wonderful friend speaking to me, when the little donkey focusses on the light, the noises die down. A message for the coming year, focus on the guiding light. Not the insecurity in my heart, nor the negative self-talk in my head, nor being indecisive, nor the doubt from other people can get me further. But the leading light, it will lead me to where I supposed to be.

The little donkey now no longer paid attention to the animals he encountered. He also no longer heard their mockery. He only saw the light that was spreading and becoming brighter and brighter. Then he saw the star over Bethlehem.
Der kleine Esel achtete nun nicht mehr auf die Tiere, die ihm begegneten. Er hörte auch ihren Spott nicht mehr. Er sah nur noch das icht, welches sich ausbreitete und immer heller wurde. Da erblickte er den Stern über Bethlehem.

Music of the night is a mix of Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year for violin and piano. I enjoy it very much!

Support me with a cup of coffee? Thank you in advance 😊