December is a stressful month, to calm myself down, I am folding stars. These are only 2 of many variations of star that I have made. Other than working and folding star, I am also preparing Christmas presents for German families and friends.
I was in a bookshop looking for a book called “The ultimately true Christmas stories” (Wirklich wahre Weihnachtsgeschichten) by Margret Rettich. Those are truly funny children stories that happened in Christmas days at home.
“Do you have the book The Ultimately True Christmas Stories?” I asked.
“After The Gospel of Luke?” She asked professionally.
I am impressed! Because it is far from a matter of course that people still think Christmas has something to do with Jesus. Sometimes I wonder how can people be so passionate about Christmas celebration but totally missed the point – Jesus. Moreover, it was not a Christian bookstore.
Freelancing into the 8th month now. It is quite clear to me that The Journey and organ playing will continue. But where and how my future will be, I am still not very sure. I can keep doing the work I am doing now, at the same time, be open. Hey, the world is a big playground, as long as there is an organ available for me to play. If it has no organ, or the organ is inaccessible, I hope the place has high speed internet, so that I can post on The Journey!
The true Christmas story is a comfort to me. Mary, Jesus’s mother, she simply said: “May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke1:38), no matter how crazy was the plot. The wise men saw the star and left everything behind to follow the star. They weren’t sure too, that’s why they asked the ill-intentioned Herod, for direction. The spirit of this Christmas to me personally is, follow the star immediately. I might run into Herod, but God is able to carry out His plan for me. Herod even sent the wisemen to Bethlehem, the right direction. The wisemen saw Jesus.
Music for tonight is about the wise men or The Three Kings of orient after Goethe ‘s imagination. Other than the star, they’re oriented at oxen and asses too.
But since we see fine squires and ladies,
But no oxen or asses here,
We cannot be in the right place,
And so must proceed on our way.
Excerpts from Goethe’s Epiphany
Full translation: https://www.oxfordlieder.co.uk/song/2148
I would be happy to receive some cups of hot drink in this cold winter 😉 Thank you in advance: