Woast Du, wie schee’s doa is?

“Do you know how beautiful is it here?” says the title in a German dialect which spoken in the area I visit – Rothenburg ob der Taube. It is so beautiful that once I’ve got back, I looked into my calendar wanted to plan for another trip immediately.

I am not so sure yet, because I hope to attend my best friend’s wedding in Rome and a birthday trip to UK. For this reason, I have to save money. So this Summer no organ master class, no travelling and working when I am allowed to. Visa still stuck firmly, I might seek a lawyer when necessary. Luckily, Visa is only a part on my life. Other than visa, I appreciate my peaceful life with luxurious time.

Finally I can be in a baptism of someone that is important to me. My friend spontaneously asked me out for lunch or dinner and I can make it. Another friend has 5 appointments in a day in 2 cities (my previous lifestyle), since I am very flexible, I can coordinate with her schedule, so we can meet up and nurture our friendship.

There is season of life that I worked very hard; there is also season of life that I nurture seemly insignificant yet significant thing in life. There is no spotlight when one is cleaning the house, changing diaper, cooking, meeting friend and etc. I suddenly understood the phenomena of people reluctant to do these works, simply because no one notices. But everyone needs a place to live, food to eat, as a baby also needed someone to change diaper for him/ her.

With my luxurious time, I visit friends, just want to know how are they doing. A friend has a shiny job, she said spotlight motivated her. I am happy for her that she has the job which can nurture her talents. Another friend is feeling guilty she has not contacted me because she was too busy with her new born baby, and has a difficult feeling because she has not practice music for a long time.

To be frank, my condition now also cannot play a concert, but I don’t think I should be worry about this now. Like a gardener, he cares for his garden according to weather and season. When to sow seed, when to let the soil rest, when to mow the lawn and etc. Some flowers only bloom in Summer, don’t force them to bloom in Winter, it is useless anyway. All in all, the value of life is not measured by spotlight/ performance.

Furthermore, to have those brilliant blooming flower performances, the most important thing is watering them every day, tending the garden every day. Unfortunately, not very glorious and too behind the scene that we tend to ignore them completely.

On Sunday, I was attending the Pentecost worship service in Nuremberg. The organist played majestic and grand, well woven into the liturgy and leading us into God’s rest. After service, my soul cried: “How beautiful and comforting is church music!”

I talked to the organist afterward because I do not understand the design / building of his organ and asked him some questions. After that, we also have a small talk. He soon found out that I left my job.

“I just want to focus more on the key board, but not the whole packet of church music like choir, ensemble ….” I haven’t finished my sentence yet.
“Und Verwaltung (and administration).” He said.

He hit the nail on the head.

However, I am so thankful for this opportunity to step back and to appreciate the church music to the full. It is like to appreciate how great is a mountain, I cannot be in the mountain but to step back. Stepping back and observing the view of the whole mountain with its surrounding, and says:
“Woast Du, wie schee’s doa is?”

Rothenburg ob der Tauber
The view of Rothenburg ob der Tauber from far away.

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