We’ve only just begun

We’ve Only Just Begun‘ by The Carpenters is the song that is playing right now. 

In the first blog post after the blog renovation, I will show you around my new renovated home (blog). 

  • Home 
    Home displays my blog posts in reverse chronological order (newer posts first).
  • About Me
    I will introduce myself more elaborately here. You also can read the “About Me” that written in the year (2010).
  • Travel Writing 
    Article in Travel Writing section is written by me as a traveller. The traveller in this blog is not holiday maker, tourist, and vacationer but rather someone who travel for learning new culture, economic reason, the nature of the job, sought refuge, visiting oversea family, the rootlessness keep one travelling.
  • Music 
    My thought on music and my story about becoming a musician.
  • Literature Club 
    Here I share my reflections on stories, books and poetry. The page that dedicated to fascinating stories and delicate poetry.
  • Writers’ Society 
    I am sharing my writing insights and writing tips in these posts. Why I write? How I write? What to write?  These posts are here to ponder on these questions.
  • Chinese 
    This page contains those articles that written in Chinese. As I started this blog in the year 2010, Chinese was the language I used. With the expanding of international friends, I switch to composing in English. Occasionally, I will write in Chinese again.  
  • Contact 
    On this page you would find information about how to get in touch. Exchange sincere opinion through commenting is highly preferred.
  • Search, Archives and Tag Clouds
    These three functions make it easy for you to find my previous posts. You can find them at the sidebar. 

I appreciate your attention and it would be a great assistance if you could: 

  1. Subscribe to my Youtube Channel: The Journey. It goes hand in hand with my blog.
  2. Subscribe to the newsletter: Get the latest news about my upcoming project. Sign-up form is at the sidebar or at the bottom of post. 
  3. Share this blog with people who share common interest in travel, music and literature.

Let me prepare some imaginary drinks for you. Please make yourself at home, and listening to the lounge music (Background Music for One Hour) :

And yes, we've just begun
Sharing horizons that are new to us
Watching the signs along the way

Song by The Carpenters 
Songwriters: Paul Williams / Roger Nichols