Hello, you beautiful May!

The beautiful May has arrived. First of May is worldwide holiday. And in Germany, people will go hiking in the wood and have barbeque. This year, we still can visit the nature only without barbeque. Let’s go! 
Left side of the picture is vineyard. We have to wait another 5 to 6 months until the grapes ripen. Still a lot of work to be done until the harvest. But let us celebrate the first leaves that come out after the long winter.
Moreover, I discovered a live concert season in May that could not be cancelled! Meet the artists and their concert’s schedule!
  • All night long – nightingale
  • 2.55 am – garden redstart
  • 3.05 am – redbreast warbler
  • 3.15 am – song thrush
  • 3.20 am – blackbird
  • 3.30 am – wren
  • 3.40 am – cuckoo
  • 3.50 am – great tit
  • 4.00 am – chaffinch
  • 4.30 am – starling
When I saw the fresh green colour of new leaves, this song – The May has come rang in my mind. One sentence of the lyric said: “the trees start to bud”, and I saw the scenery. 
Der Mai ist gekommen, die Bäume schlagen aus,
da bleibe, wer Lust hat, mit Sorgen zu Haus.
Wie die Wolken dort wandern am himmlischen Zelt,
so steht auch mir der Sinn in die weite, weite Welt.
Der Mai ist gekommen
Emanuel Geibel