It’s beginning to look a bit like home


It’s beginning to look a bit like home since I baked the first butter cake with my new oven in my new flat. It is totally home when I have a piece of butter cake with a cup of earl grey tea. 

The home I mention here is not my childhood home. In my childhood home, we will have curry puff or baked banana or roti canai with pulled tea for afternoon tea. Butter cake and earl grey tea is a tradition in me that evolve since my year in Bristol. 

There are still a lot of things to be done in my new flat. But it is joyful to see it getting homey bit by bit, day by day. Just like caring for a plant, it is a joy to see it grow and bloom, and plant usually won’t have significant change overnight. Care and patience are the golden rules.



I like the poem of the weekly calendar.