What make me wake up early in the morning?

“Recently, it is very difficult for me to get up in the morning. I know my schedule and things to do, but why it is so difficult to wake up? I remember you in your last semester, you always make it to start your daily practice very early.” A college friend said. 

“Well, that time, to avoid conflict and tourist I took the earliest practice time in Peterskirche (St. Peter’s Church in Heidelberg). There was no Covid19 – stress and I was preparing for final exam. At the moment, there are days, that in afternoon I am still in my pajamas reading newspaper. Of course with coffee, but I rather starve than to put my bread in the toaster, just no energy for that. … … “

I am certainly not a “Streber”, a noun in German for someone always aim to be number one. During my last semester in Heidelberg, it was true that I left my house at 6.30 a.m. something, in order to say hi to the organ in Peterskirche at 8 a.m. As I said, I wanted to avoid crowd. Second, my house was in Eppelheim, at that time the tram I took was still under construction. I have to change to bus and change to tram again, the connection was so bad and bus or tram seldom be on time. Third, I enjoyed Heidelberg old town in the early morning when the main street not yet filled with tourist. Fourth, I can get my coffee at the Canteen Triplex where I stepped out from bus (Universitätsplatz station)  before head up to Peterskirche. See? None of my motivation was related to aim high. 

Other than practice organ, there are also many reasons to make me wake up early in the morning. One of them is to get “Brötchen” (German: the fresh, small, round bread). According to my German families, when on special occasion like having guest, we will have “Brötchen” on breakfast table. Because it should be fresh, we have to get it from bakery just before having breakfast. There are thousand of selection for Brötchen in bakery that I can get. 

Once, a friend from Heidelberg and a friend from Vienna stayed overnight at my place in Leonberg. Before everyone went back to their own room to sleep, I asked them what kind of Brötchen they want to have for breakfast, so I could get them right after waking up. After 8 years in Germany, I thought I know almost every name of Brötchen. The friend still surprised me when she said she would like to have “Schrippe”. I never stop learning new name for Brötchen. 

In this season, I wake up very early in the morning, get myself ready, not forget to bring along my mask. Rainy day or sunny day would not stop me from going out. I will queue up patiently and impatiently in the farmers’ market. Yeah, I am willing to do everything to get the sweet summer sun ripened strawberries.