This line sounds familiar? It is taken from an old Chinese movie 20 years ago, called “Xin Dong”《心动》. I could not recall most of it anymore, but two elements are still impressive after 20 years. One is the lyrics of the movie theme song. Another one is this dialog. The couple parted because of fate, they were still missing each other very much. The boy taken picture at times when he missed her, and put those pictures in a box as present to her with this dialog.
20 years ago, the very young me moved by this scene. 20 years later, I think it is a very good idea when missing someone. I might copied the idea, but I am writing a new line.
Original line:
Taken at times when I missed you. For you.
My idea is, using the two different meanings of the Chinese word 天 / Tian. “Tian” means day and also means sky.
My version:
This are how the days/ skies look like when I think of you. 17.5.2020 – 23.5.2020.