The organ pieces to conclude my 2020

On this day, last year, I prepared for a new year’s eve organ recital, and an evening new year’s eve worship service. After work, a friend cooked delicious Chinese dumpling and we had dinner together. After that, last minute luggage packing for I was leaving for Bristol at 3a.m. And the fresh started year 2020 greet me in Bristol!    
After that, same like you, we got the unexpected guest – covid19. The original plan was forced to abandoned, but the replacement was actually what I really like – organ class and organ in chamber music! I have chance to learn to accompany recorder baroque music and violin romantic music on organ. 
I also have chance to learn organ solo pieces for concert and also for worship service from my mentor. He comes from Hungary, and he introduce some organ pieces composed by Hungarian composer like Liszt, Zoltán and Zsolt Gárdonyi. 
Of course, there are many more things to mention and to be thankful about. But this 2 things: Bristol trip and learning organ stand out as highlight. Therefore, the organ pieces to conclude my 2020 will be the Irish/ English Hymn – Be Thou My Vision, organ arrangement by the Hungarian composer – Zsolt Gárdonyi. I am happy to play this for you.