Where my ideas come from?

Keeping a diary. 

Usually I write my diary in free style, and I prefer a blank page, even without writing lines. So that my writing will flow into the pages without any limitation. 

Other than relying on writing flow, discipline keep me writing, like every training. I keep myself writing even when I am lack of inspiration at the first place. The inspiration will come, when I start writing. You might ask, but how and what to write? 

I have some questions to ask myself to help me start writing. There are:

1. What things I am grateful for today?

2. What am I most proud of?

3. What made me smile today?

4. What made me unhappy today?

5. Inspirations of the days?

Below is an example of a day that I am answering to these questions. If you like the idea and want to write, I really encourage you to do so. To write is one of the most wonderful things in my life. 

A day in my diary

Date: 27.6.21
Place: Heidelberg
Rainy and sunny days constantly interchanging

1. What things I am grateful for today?

To meet my friends who share the same passion as I do. 

2. What am I most proud of?

There is nothing to be proud about today.

3. What made me smile today?

Memories of London and Bristol. I went to Banksy exhibition in Heidelberg. Those pictures were my daily scenery. 

4. What made me unhappy today?

Würzburg knife attack bothered me a lot. Sad about innocent lost lives.

5. Inspirations of the days?

The quote about why doing art inspired me:


Let us not focus on the temporally difficult time, but to look forward the chances and the possibilities after the rain.  
The exhibition really did their best to recreate London Underground station and got it quite right. However, “mind the gap” sign is missing! The essence is missing! Schade! (German) More context please read: Mind the gap (Wikipedia)
Will you take me to London?